То се е видяло, че стотната ми публикация ще е ревю на 24-тата книга от поредицата за Анита Блейк, ловецът на вампири от любимата ми авторка- Лоръл К. Хамилтън, което не е по-лошо от малко снимки на рафтовете ми.
Това ревю ще е всъщност едно миниревю, тъй като това е последната излязла за сега книга и не искам да споделям твърде много спойлери, ако някой все пак се е решил да започне една така дълга поредица, макар че повечето хора като чуят 24 и спират до числото.
Както вече споменах, Лоръл К. Хамилтън е моята любима писателка и единствената, която може да ме изкара от читателският ми застой, дори когато не ми се чете абсолютно нищо. Достатъчно е само да отворя нейна книга, която не съм чела, и ще съм хваната в света на Анита Блейк или Мери Джентри.
Обикновено, когато нямам чувството, че ми се чете специална книга, избирам някоя, която най-много би ми се чела, но въпреки това, върви по-бавно от книга, за която имам това чувство, докато при ЛКХ книгите си вървят съвсем като по вода. Ако не бях излизала последните три дни, най-вероятно щях да прочета книгата много по-бързо.
Стилът на писане на Лоръл К. Хамилтън е изключително добър и приятен- кратки глави, идеално балансирани описания и разговори, толкова добре направени, че си минават като по вода, дори когато просто прави сухо описание, е, при нея няма такова нещо като сухо. Всичко върви толкова интересно и лесно, че да не ти се иска да оставиш книгата дори за секунда и продължаваш да четеш. Тя не само балансира описанията и диалозите в книгата, но и главите. На всеки пет кратки глави има по поне две дълги, ама наистина дълги like 30 страници дълги, но те минават лесна.
Никога не съм имала трудност да чета нещо на ЛКХ, особено на английски. Не знам защо, но нейните книги винаги са ми били в пъти по-лесни на английски, може би се дължи на това, че четейки в оригинал написаната в първо лице история на Анита я прави просто по-истинска.
Писателката е една от малкото, които не само че измислят нови и оригинални сюжети за всяка следващата книга, така че да не ти доскучае as hell, но също така ти показва и развитието не само на героинята си, но и на самата себе си.
Ако се върнем 23 книги назад, ще видим една консервативна Анита, която смята, че секс се прави в първата брачна нощ, смята всички вампири за ходещи трупове и би убила всяко неживо същество, а също така се бои от силата си, а в 24-та книга виждаме една вече зряла жена, която ходи с вампир и още около двайсейт шейпшифтъра и може би един-два вампира, а силата й на некромант е може би по-голяма от всяка друга позната им в него век. По самите книги си личи колко се развива и самата авторка, нейната личност и всичко за нея. Наистина с течение на времето наблюдаваме и развитието й като писател, защото аз помня, че започнах силно да се впечатлявам след 8-тата книга, където Анита вече започна да се поотпуска и...ами да прави секс. Осем книги като монахиня сред най-сексапилните същества на света, ми стигат, както явно и на нея, но мисля, че при нея бяха около 2-3 години най-много.
Наистина след тези 8 книги се наблюдава едно много голямо развитие и колкото повече напредваш, толкова по-хубави стават и ти става и по-лесно д аги четеш.
Тази книга не се различава от останалите- интересна, динамична, напредната, дори имаше любовни драми и неща, които извратеният ми мозък от всички ъгли хареса.
Предупреждавам: Поредицата не е за хора, които не понасят различните сексуални ориентации и всякакви странности на хората, граничещи си с извратеното и гнусното. Все пак всеки си има лимитите, за някои едно е гнусно, за други не и явно аз все още не съм стигнала до моите лимити. А може би просто се дължи на това, че съм много разбран човек, не знам.
Криминална, драма, еротика, мистерия, напрежение, секси вампири, секси шейпшифтъри, секс дългокоси мъже, секси късокоси мъже, секси жени- за всеки си има по нещо.
It is obvious that my 100 post will be about 24th book of Anita Blake the vampire hunter series by my favorite author Laurel K. Hamilton. which is not worse than some photos of my shelves.
This is going to be a mini review just because this is last book that came out for now and I don't want to make spoilers if someone has decided to start a long book series even though when that somebody give up on reading when hears that there 24 books in the series.
Like I said Laurel K . Hamilton is my favorite author and the only one who can get me out of my reading slump. For me is enough just to open a book of hers and I will be in the world of Anita Blake or Merry Gentry.
Usually when I don't want to read any books I choose to read a book which somehow I want to read the most but even then I'm struggling. When the book is by LKH is a different- story everything is going really well. If I haven't gone out the last three days I would have finished the book faster.
LKH's style is great- short chapters, a balance between descriptions and conversations so lightly that you cannot get tired of them. Everything is going so easy and interesting that can't make you leave the book. There is a balance with chapters too. To every three to five short chapters there are two really long(like 30 pages long).
I have never had the struggle with reading LKH's book even in English. Even in English I find it easier maybe because when you read in the original language the story of Anita sound more...real.
The author is one of the few that makes an original story for every book to keep it interesting and you can see not only the change in the character but author's as well.
If we go back to the first book we will see one Anita with conservative thinking like how she thinks you can have sex for the first time on your wedding day; that all vampires are the walking dead and would kill any creature that is dead. In 24th book we see one grown up woman who dates a vampire and 'round twenty shapeshifters and two to three vampire-friends with benefits. And her power is necromancy and it's bigger than anyone else's in this century. Through the books you can see the change in the author and how she is growing too.
For real ... I remember being impressed after the eight book when Anita started to have sex. Eight books like nun hanging around the sexiest creatures in the world are enough for me and maybe for her. Even though for her I think it was around two to three years.
The change in the books is so good and while you keep reading them they are getting better and better.
This book is not different than the rest - interesting, dynamic, intensive even there was love drama which my insane part of brain really liked.
WARNING! The series is not for people who hate different sexual orientations and all the crazy and insane stuff which are on the border with perversity and grossness. Everybody has its own limits and maybe I'm not even close to mine. Or maybe it's because I am an open-minded person.
Crimes, drama, erotics, mystery, intensiveness, sexy vampires, sexy shapeshifters, sexy long-haired men, sexy women - there is something for everyone!
Thanks again to Yulia K. for the translation.
_____________________English Review_________________
It is obvious that my 100 post will be about 24th book of Anita Blake the vampire hunter series by my favorite author Laurel K. Hamilton. which is not worse than some photos of my shelves.
This is going to be a mini review just because this is last book that came out for now and I don't want to make spoilers if someone has decided to start a long book series even though when that somebody give up on reading when hears that there 24 books in the series.
Like I said Laurel K . Hamilton is my favorite author and the only one who can get me out of my reading slump. For me is enough just to open a book of hers and I will be in the world of Anita Blake or Merry Gentry.
Usually when I don't want to read any books I choose to read a book which somehow I want to read the most but even then I'm struggling. When the book is by LKH is a different- story everything is going really well. If I haven't gone out the last three days I would have finished the book faster.
LKH's style is great- short chapters, a balance between descriptions and conversations so lightly that you cannot get tired of them. Everything is going so easy and interesting that can't make you leave the book. There is a balance with chapters too. To every three to five short chapters there are two really long(like 30 pages long).
I have never had the struggle with reading LKH's book even in English. Even in English I find it easier maybe because when you read in the original language the story of Anita sound more...real.
The author is one of the few that makes an original story for every book to keep it interesting and you can see not only the change in the character but author's as well.
If we go back to the first book we will see one Anita with conservative thinking like how she thinks you can have sex for the first time on your wedding day; that all vampires are the walking dead and would kill any creature that is dead. In 24th book we see one grown up woman who dates a vampire and 'round twenty shapeshifters and two to three vampire-friends with benefits. And her power is necromancy and it's bigger than anyone else's in this century. Through the books you can see the change in the author and how she is growing too.
For real ... I remember being impressed after the eight book when Anita started to have sex. Eight books like nun hanging around the sexiest creatures in the world are enough for me and maybe for her. Even though for her I think it was around two to three years.
The change in the books is so good and while you keep reading them they are getting better and better.
This book is not different than the rest - interesting, dynamic, intensive even there was love drama which my insane part of brain really liked.
WARNING! The series is not for people who hate different sexual orientations and all the crazy and insane stuff which are on the border with perversity and grossness. Everybody has its own limits and maybe I'm not even close to mine. Or maybe it's because I am an open-minded person.
Crimes, drama, erotics, mystery, intensiveness, sexy vampires, sexy shapeshifters, sexy long-haired men, sexy women - there is something for everyone!
Thanks again to Yulia K. for the translation.
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