Едва ли има някой, който да не е чувал за тази книга. Преди няколко месеца всички само за нея говореха, качваха се снимки с тази и още от книгите на Джон Грийн и аз, както винаги, реших, когато всичко утихне, тогава да си я купя и прочета.
Но всъщност, нищо не беше планирано. Не знаех защо толкова исках да я купя и да я прочета, не знаех защо искам да взема в ръцете си тази книга, която е карала толкова момичета "да реват". Аз не ревах, книги, филми, сериали- неспособни са да ме разчувстват чак толкова.
Както и да е. От начало не исках да чета тази книга, защото знаех края, но не това бе убило желанието ми- не съм имала такова. Убиецът беше самият край, защото не харесвам книги с такъв край, но тази не завършваше така, както предполагах. Джон Грийн е завършил книгата наистина задоволяващо.
Накрая разбрах, че искам да я прочета, не защото всички са я чели, не защото е много известна, не заради самият автор, а защото исках да разбера как свършва и защо.
Имах множество предположения още преди да съм я отворила. Зачетох се и я прочетох за нищожното време от един ден. Хареса ми. Смях се и бях натъжена.
За привърженик на фентъзи жанра, не признаващ нищо друго освен него, книгата ми хареса. Обикновено не чета такива, в които няма поне една битка, поне едно убийство, но в тази книга също се говори за битки. В тази книга героите се борят с непобедимото- с болестта рак. Джон Грийн ни показва резултатите след премахването на рака като при Патрик и Исак, а също и резултати като при младите Майкъл, Каролин и Огъстъс... Според мен това е прекрасна книга, интересна и... разведряваща до една степен. Тя показва на нас- здравите хора, че там някъде има такива, чийто живот не е толкова лесен, които се борят за живота си не всеки ден, а всяка минута, такива, пред които моите героини изглеждат слаби в сравнение с Хейзъл и Огъстъс.
В книгата той се бои, че може да бъде забравен, но истината е, че той вечно ще живее в паметта на близките си- истински близките си хора, а и на нас- читателите.
Едва ли има човек, който да не е чел или чувал за книгата. Едва ли има човек, който не знае краят, но ако има, съжалявам, че го издадох, но поне се надявам да изпитате поне малко любопитство като моето, което ме накара да започна да я чета от шест сутринта.
There is not a single person who hasn't heard about this book. In the previous months all of the people were talking about it, uploaded photos of it and the rest of the books by John Green. And when everything started to calm down I decided to pick it up.
But nothing went as a plan. I didn't know why I wanted to buy this book, to read a book that made so many girls cry. I didn't cry. Movies, books or TV series - they can't make me cry.
Firstly I didn't want to read this book and not because I knew the ending. That did not kill my willingness. The killer was the ending because I do not like that kind of ending, but the book didn't end in the way I thought it would. John Green ended the book really satisfying.
In the end I wanted to read it not because it was popular, not because of the author but because I wanted to see how it will end and why. In other words, I read it out of curiosity.
I had so many speculations about the book. I started it and finished it for just one day and I liked it. I laughed and I was sad and all.
For a person who loves Fantasy and see not further than it, I really liked the book. Usually I don't read a book in which there is not at least one fight or one murder. But there are still fights. In the book character are fighting against an invincible thing - cancer. John Green show us the results after cancer is gone from Patrick and Isaac and also results for the young people like Michael, Caroline, Ogustus ... For me this is a wonderful and interesting book, and kind of a cheering up book. It show us, healthy people, that somewhere in the world some people do not live and easy life, they are fighting for it not everyday but every minute, people before whom my characters look weak when compared to Hasel and Ogustus.
In the book he is afraid that he will be forgotten but the truth is he will always live in his relatives' hearts and in ours (readers').
I do not believe that there is a person who has not heard about the book or read it. And there is not a person that doesn't know how it ends. But if there is I am sorry that I spoiled it for you. I hope you are interested in it enough to read it because the book made me start reading it at six o'clock in the morning.
________________________English Review_________________________
There is not a single person who hasn't heard about this book. In the previous months all of the people were talking about it, uploaded photos of it and the rest of the books by John Green. And when everything started to calm down I decided to pick it up.
But nothing went as a plan. I didn't know why I wanted to buy this book, to read a book that made so many girls cry. I didn't cry. Movies, books or TV series - they can't make me cry.
Firstly I didn't want to read this book and not because I knew the ending. That did not kill my willingness. The killer was the ending because I do not like that kind of ending, but the book didn't end in the way I thought it would. John Green ended the book really satisfying.
In the end I wanted to read it not because it was popular, not because of the author but because I wanted to see how it will end and why. In other words, I read it out of curiosity.
I had so many speculations about the book. I started it and finished it for just one day and I liked it. I laughed and I was sad and all.
For a person who loves Fantasy and see not further than it, I really liked the book. Usually I don't read a book in which there is not at least one fight or one murder. But there are still fights. In the book character are fighting against an invincible thing - cancer. John Green show us the results after cancer is gone from Patrick and Isaac and also results for the young people like Michael, Caroline, Ogustus ... For me this is a wonderful and interesting book, and kind of a cheering up book. It show us, healthy people, that somewhere in the world some people do not live and easy life, they are fighting for it not everyday but every minute, people before whom my characters look weak when compared to Hasel and Ogustus.
In the book he is afraid that he will be forgotten but the truth is he will always live in his relatives' hearts and in ours (readers').
I do not believe that there is a person who has not heard about the book or read it. And there is not a person that doesn't know how it ends. But if there is I am sorry that I spoiled it for you. I hope you are interested in it enough to read it because the book made me start reading it at six o'clock in the morning.
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